In 1998 Pierluigi Cerri, together with Alessandro Colombo created the Studio Cerri & Associati. Studio Cerri & Associati works in the planning sector of architecture, industry, graphic design and shipbuilding. The partners coordinate a staff of 25 professional architects, designers and graphic designers.
Projects of Studio Cerri & Associati have been realized in Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, USA, Japan and Australia. Some realizations are the projects for the revaluation of the area surrounding the Fiera di Bologna, the renovation of a building in via Bagutta in Milan and the new headquarters of e.Biscom in Milan. In 2001 they received a contract for the renovation of Palazzo Rosso meseum in Genoa. Exhibitions also directed by the Studio are Made in Italy, La Città e il Design, Nuove Acquisizioni Triennale and Mobili come Aforismi Triennale, Milan; Lingotto 1915-2002 on the occasion of Pinacoteca Giovanni and Marella Agnelli opening, Turin. In 2000 the Studio disegned the Donald chair for Poltrona Frau and in 2001 Studio Cerri & Associati has received the Compasso d’Oro prize for Titano table designed for Poltrona Frau.
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PELLE FRAU® SC | Colorsphere®

SC 0 polare

SC 01 avorio

SC 04 latte

SC 05 stucco

SC 06 callicot

SC 10 antracite

SC 19 georgette

SC 20 inchiostro
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