French designer Patrick Norguet, close to fashion world through his collaboration with Louis Vuitton, Lanvin, Guerlain and Christian Dior, completes his personal formation at the EDSI where he built up a unique approach based on eclecticism and a thorough knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes.
In 2000 he opened his personal design office; nowadays, he is involved in industrial and interior design, dedicating himself to create also exhibitions for Van Cleef and Renault. Awarded as “Designer of the Year” in 2005, Norguet belongs to that generation which is making known the “french touch” on the international stage; with his designs he perfectly interprets Cappellini’s theory of the union between fashion and design, projecting items of great presence for both sectors, working for innovation but keeping the greatest semplicity. For brands such as Lancel, Cappellini, Poltrona Frau, Flaminia, Frighetto, Molteni&C, Gebruder Thonet Vienna, Maxdesign, Modus, Artifort and Bernhardt he loves to work on emotions and intuition, finding alternative slants on everyday objects and their specific settings. Some of his works are part of the permanent collections of prestigious museums, such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
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PELLE FRAU® SC | Colorsphere®

SC 0 polare

SC 01 avorio

SC 04 latte

SC 05 stucco

SC 06 callicot

SC 10 antracite

SC 19 georgette

SC 20 inchiostro
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