Claudio Francesco Bellini (1963) is leaving and working in Milan, where he graduated in Architecture and Industrial design at the renowned Politecnico university in 1990. His strong fascination with creativity, is rooted in his early childhood years, inspired by his father Mario Bellini, whom counts as one of the most affluent figures in the design history.
In 1998, his revolutionary new office furniture system, TW Collection (Frezza), introduced a completely new vision in the contemporary office landscape. From that point on, his extensive production of innovative projects in this area, deeply contributed to anticipate behaviors and trends in the working environment evolution over the last 15 years.(*) Today Claudio Bellini design+design - ranked as one of the ten most creative European studios by April 2007's El Pais magazine - is active within different fields of design, ranging from furniture to product and architecture and cooperating with leading companies worldwide, including Walter Knoll; Steelcase; Poltrona Frau; Riva 1920. Many of its creations have received international design awards, among which the prestigious Red Dot, IF and Good design award. Art director of several international brands, he cooperate successfully since 2003 with the italian kitchen tools manufacturer Barazzoni, developing a remarkable collections of products, in addition to handling brand and packaging design. In 2010 he started directing the development of a comprehensive new lines of products for Fursys group, the South Korean leader in office and contract furniture and, in 2012, he has been asked by the Natuzzi group to draw the new design oriented daughter brand Italsofa, in its future global concept expansion. Professor in furniture design at the Genova University from 2004 to 2008, he holds lectures and conferences all over the word while his work has been extensively published. Claudio Bellini, describe his creative process as a mind adventure, free of any prejudice, animated only by enthusiasm, curiosity and optimism. This open minded attitude, combined with a peculiar sensibility for historical heritage, and a deep understanding for material, production process and market requirements, is clearly expressed in his creations and way to work. AMONG OUR CLIENTS : Artemide |Barazzoni | Brionvega | Caimi Brevetti | Cherry Terrace| Commune di Palermo | Casamania | Castaldi De Sede | Driade | Doim Office | Dublin DockLand Development Authority | Ersa | Flou | Fiam Italia | Forza Francebed | Frezza | Giordano Torresi | Hans kaufeld | Haworth | Heller | IB Office | iGuzzini | ing.Castaldini Instrumentation Laboratory | Interstuhl | Italsofa | JCDecaux | JVC | Las | Mascagni | Natuzzi | Olivari | Plank Poltrona Frau | Riva 1920 | Saturn bath | Schiavello | Serralunga | Sidiz Inc | Smartech Italia | Societa Immobilliere | Société immobilière | Steelcase | Sunstar | Techno Spa | Tele 2 | Telecom | Thonet | Tout Soleil Venini | Vitra | Walter Knoll | Ycami | Zollverein School AWARD ADI Design Index 2006 B.O.S., Frezza, Italy 2005 Onfalòs, Smartech Italia, Italy 2004 Motus, iGuzzini, Italy 2001 Ypsilon Chair, Vitra, Germany (Mentioned at IX Compasso d’oro) 2000 Bella, Ing. Castaldi Illuminazione, Italy 1998 TW Collection, Operative desking system, Frezza, Italy Good Design Award 2010 DR Executive Office System, Frezza, Italy 2009 My Lady Utensils, Barazzoni, Italy 2004 My Lady, Barazzoni, Italy 2000 TW Collection, Frezza, Italy iF Product Design Award 2011 Ega chair, Sidiz, Korea 2011 My White, Saturn Bath, Korea 2011 1580 table, Thonet, Germany 2010 Silicon Pro, Barazzoni, Italy 2010 Moon, Barazzoni, Italy 2006 Butterfly Cooking Pot rang, Barazzoni, Italy 2004 plasma Support and accessories, JVC, Japan 2004 Motus, iGuzzini, Italy Red Dot 2012 Ega chair, Sidiz, Korea 2010 Moon, Barazzoni, Italy 2009 Gio, Walter Knoll, Germany 2004 My Lady, Barazzoni, Italy 2002 Ypsilon Chair, Vitra International AG, Germany 2000 Iti, Artemide, Italy Designpreis 2008 My Lady Utensils, Barazzoni, Italy 2006 My Lady, Barazzoni, Italy Good Design G-Mark 2001 Ypsilon Chair, Vitra, Germany 2002 Palmhouse, Cherry terrace, Japan Gio - Gold Industrieel Ontwerp 2001 Conversa, Iterstuhl Buromobel GmbH&Co 1996 Extra Dry, Marcatrè, Italy Design Plus Award by Messe Frankfurt 2000 BELLA, Ing. Castaldi Illuminazione, Italy Best of Neocon Award 2010 DR Executive Office System, Frezza, Italy 2001 TW Collection, Frezza, Italy (Editor’s Choise Award) I.D. Magazine Award 2001 Ypsilon Chair, Vitra, Germany (Best of Category) 2001 Bella, Ing. Castaldi Illuminazione, Italy (Honoureable mention) American Furniture Award by Home (magazine) 2001 Mod. 2013, Natuzzi, Italy Biennale of Ljubljana 2002 Scriba, Ycami, Italy 2002 DECT III, Tele 2, Sweden Lights of the Future 2000 Bella, Ing. Castaldi Illuminazione, Italy Design Center Stuttgart 2006 Headline, Vitra International GmbH, Germany
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PELLE FRAU® SC | Colorsphere®

SC 0 polare

SC 01 avorio

SC 04 latte

SC 05 stucco

SC 06 callicot

SC 10 antracite

SC 19 georgette

SC 20 inchiostro
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